LGBT Detroit’s mission is to activate, amplify, and sustain LGBT+ culture, education, advocacy, and human rights.
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Mental Health

LGBT Detroit provides direct client services to LGBTQ+ survivors of all forms of violence, including hate violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, pick-up violence, human trafficking, hate crimes, and institutional violence in the counties of Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne with the principle city of Detroit.

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LGBT Detroit Health mental health services offer well being support. Since 2017, LGBT Detroit has offered mental health services with free referrals for victims of crime, in-house therapy, faith based support, health care, housing and psycho-social support. This is a confidential service open to LGBT+ adults, or loved ones, who have experienced violent crime. #LGBTDetroitHealth #iknowmyrights


Tools for Equality and Inclusion


Are you a nonprofit organizations, police officers, healthcare workers, and for-profit businesses with a passion for employee and customer experiences? From bystander intervention and workplace accountability to the specific experience people across the LGBT+ spectrum have while interacting with your niche services, we are here to support you on your journey to the best community care.

Let our LGBT Detroit Health mental health services help you explore the intersections of sexuality, gender and victimization as they relate to your profession area. The team is available to provide a four-part training series to different nonprofits, businesses, and community service organizations across the tri county area. Join us as we start at the basics, reflect on our individual organization needs, and take steps to improve our roles as community services and providers. 


Are you in a group like a block club, student organization, church, LGBT+ or other social group? Rather you are here to be an ally, to be inclusive of all members, or to give your LGBT+ specific group the tools to thrive, we are here to help! From bystander intervention and community accountability to sexual and gender identity 101 and breaking down the myths, many community organizations have begun to recognize a need for additional support in assuring the comfort and care of LGBT+ people, let’s begin exploring this together! For LGBT+ specific groups, let’s have a conversation around thriving in relationships, intimate and personal, and healing through self-care.


Personal Growth and Development


Therapy is now available at LGBT Detroit


a message from alicia

Hello my name is Alicia Cain,

I am a graduate from University of Phoenix, my undergraduate degree is Human Services with a concentration in children and family services. My graduate degree is in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I currently work as a Mobile Crisis Interventionist, I address mental health crises in both private and hospital settings, providing immediate assessments, diagnoses and determining the appropriate level of care for the individual. I am ;looking forward to providing services that will contribute to the health and healing of individuals.

Alicia Cain, MS, LLC
My availability is as follows:
Every Other Thursday 10:00 - 6:00 PM
313- 473-7956

Faith-based support

  1. One Church Detroit

  2. LGBTQ+ Affirming Faith Spaces, Website:

    • The Spectrum Center and local faith leaders have compiled a list of LGBTQ+ affirming faith spaces in the Ann Arbor area. In considering whether or not these spaces are affirming, two questions were asked, “Will your space perform same-sex weddings/marriage ceremonies” and “can LGBTQ people serve in all areas of leadership?”

Health Care Resource Programs

  1. Health Care Index 2022

SOCIAL Organizations

  1. LGBTQ+ People of Color Virtual Meet-Up Group, Washington, DC, Website:

  2. Shambhala LGBTQI Mediation Group (virtual group)- The Shambhala LGBT Mediation Group offers a safe space for those who identify as queer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning to come together to explore the practice of meditation and support each other in the community.  Previous meditation experience is not required.

  3. Monthly On-Line Gathering for Womyn of Color LGBTQ42 - Meet-Up Group (Gathering for Womyn of Color - LGBTQ+)


  1. Rita Clark, M.S.W., “Center for Relationship Health” - Royal Oak, MI - Specializing  in domestic violence - 27 years experience, sexual trauma, grief, loss and bereavement and divorce issues.  Website:

  2. Gregory Samuel Johnson, M.S.W., Center for Relationship Health Royal Oak - Specializing in LGBT Therapy, and PTSD. Website:

  3. Joe Kurt, M.S.W., Center for Relationship Health Royal Oak LGBT Issues and Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors, Website:

  4. Mark McMillan, M.S.W., Specializing in LGBTQI+/Queer Mental Health, Men’s Therapy Group for Surviors of Sexual Abuse, Couples Counseling (Queer) Website:


Resources for Violence



LGBT Detroit does not have an emergency hotline. If you are experiencing an emergency, you should immediately call 911. If you are in need of immediate crisis care outside of office hours, we recommend you reach out through one of the following crisis service supports. You deserve care and support- that is what we are all here for.


HIV and Tobacco Services

*LGBT Detroit does not discriminate in the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and age*