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LGBT Detroit understands that a scenario may be violent and labeling it as such can be very important in the healing process. Find more information on how we can help on this page.

Have I Experienced Violence and What’s Next?

Sometimes understanding that a scenario is violent and labeling it as such can be very important in the healing process. If you feel like you have experienced violence, we are here to help! Consider the following types of violence and rather or not you’ve experienced the signs. Call (313) 397-2127 or send our team a message via the form submission below for additional support! We believe you, you are not alone, and it is possible to heal.

  • First, rest assured that all calls are kept strictly confidential. And can be made anonymously.

  • We will guide you through a simple process of information gathering about the incident, and about yourself.

  • There are no requirements. You are allowed to share the level of information that is comfortable for you. You may even choose to report anonymously.

  • LGBT Detroit will help you explore your options and potential courses of action as well as assist in developing a safety plan.

  • Keep in mind there is no requirement to make a police report; however, if you choose to make a police report, we can explain the procedure and provide in person support and advocacy throughout the process.

  • After your initial contact with LGBT Detroit, we will still be there for you. We can assist and accompany you through all steps in the process.

  • All the services above are provided to you at no cost.



Does your partner:

  • Threaten to “out” you to your friends, family, or co-workers?

  • Use your friends and tight-knit community against you so you feel powerless to seek help?

  • Blame you for being abused due to your sexual orientation?

  • Make you feel like police, counselors, and the criminal justice system will not believe you due to your sexual orientation?

What is partner abuse?

The National Coalition of Anti-Violence defines partner abuse as “a pattern of behavior where one partner coerces, dominates, or isolates another partner to maintain power and control over the partner and the relationship.” This abuse can affect the wellbeing of LGBTQ individuals due to the increased level of harassment and discrimination our community encounters. Partner abuse does not discriminate based on gender, race, socioeconomic status, religion, or sexual orientation. 1 out of 3 LGBTQ individuals are affected by partner abuse in their lifetime(New York Anti-violence Project.)



What is sexual assault?

Sexual Assault is an umbrella term that encompasses various acts from verbal harassment and inappropriate touching/fondling to forced sexual conduct including (but not limited to) penetration. Sexual assault is a power and control tactic and has nothing to do with sexual urges of the perpetrator.

Has someone:

  • Fondled or touched you without your consent?

  • Forced you to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetration?

  • Used alcohol to coerce you into having sex?



What are hate crimes?

Federal laws define hate crimes as a crime committed against an individual, group or community based on their gender identity, perceived sexual orientation, gender expression or how the perpetrator perceives them. If a crime is committed and the motivation of that crime is based on the victim’s LGBTQ identity of HIV-positive status, we can help. LGBT Detroit assists with filling out Crime Victim Compensation Applications and assists with support while working with the criminal justice system.

Has someone:

  • Physically assaulted you due to your sexual orientation and/or race?

  • Repeatedly bullied you until you avoid going to certain locations?

  • Repeatedly called you derogatory names?



Has someone:

  • Controlled where you go and who you talk to?

  • Made you work or provide sex to pay off a large sum of money they claim you owe?

  • Coerced you to have sex for money and you are under 18 years old?

  • Forced you to work or live in a location where there are many cameras, security, and dark or locked windows?

What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is slavery. Victims are usually coerced by false promises of education, employment, or potential relationship. Certain circumstances will provide opportunities for traffickers to exploit vulnerabilities of a person’s life such as recent migration or relocation, substance use, mental health concerns, involvement with the child welfare system, sexual or gender identity, and being a runaway or homeless youth.